• All Healing is Release from the Past.

    A Course in Miracles

  • Self-love says, 'I Love you,' Self-care says, 'Show Me.'

    Cleo Wade

  • In all forms of peril, there are candles lit along the way.

    Caroline Myss

  • All journies have secret destinations that the traveler is unaware.

    Martin Buber

  • Yoga is the practice of tolerating the consequences of being yourself.

    Bhagavad Gita

  • The quieter you become, the more you can hear.

    Ram Dass

MotherNidra offers a variety of healing modalities, respectfully chosen and tailored to meet the individual needs of each client.

Parasympathetic Therapies are at the heart of our offerings.


Yoga Asana is offered as a powerful embodied practice to help restore both body and mind.


Yoga Nidra, a journey into bliss, is a deeply restorative relaxation technique that has proven therapeutic value.


Breath-work is both taught and encouraged as a means of regulating the nervous system while bringing the practitioner back into balance.