At MotherNidra, healing sessions are offered online and are curated to meet both the immediate and long-term goals of the client. Whether the intention is to resolve relational strife (intimate partnerships, family, workplace, and Self), heal past traumas, move through grief or crisis, or create more meaning, joy, and purpose, each session is a space held in empathic company and guidance. And, while the path may differ, the goal is always one of self-knowledge and personal empowerment.

Minimalist white staircase


At MotherNidra, we believe that all of Life is endowed with a sacred curriculum. Our goal is to help you navigate the terrain of your Soul, in order to live the power of your Light.


Our greatest power is the power of choice. In working together, we help you recognize which choices (thoughts, relationships, habits) are supporting your empowerment, versus those which might be costing you your Light (life force, power.)


While awareness is the first, critical step along the path of healing, your willingness is everything. Together, we employ strategies that strengthen your sense of agency and faith in yourself and lend toward your healing goals.


Grace is the healing salve that we call upon in unpredictable and challenging life circumstances. Whether it be the grace of compassion, endurance, patience, healing love, or forgiveness, each grace takes us where the mind cannot. In working together, we utilize the alchemical nature of grace in service to your healing journey.


Through compassionate listening and psycho-spiritual inquiry, my role is to provide a safe space whereby clients can excavate their inner lives while feeling both supported and encouraged.

A session usually starts with a conversation about what might be weighing heaviest on the psyche, and transition into an embodied practice like coherent breathing, yin yoga, or yoga nidra.

Through conscious conversation, my intention is to reveal various patterns of thought (fear, guilt, shame) that no longer support your empowerment, followed by deliberate practices that provoke their release. In doing so, your entire system (mental, emotional, physical) can experience greater freedom and peace. For as Mark Nepo so tenderly offers, “In release, I begin.”


Private, one-on-one sessions last 75 minutes and are conducted over Zoom.


To book a free 30-minute consultation, send us your email below.